COVID-19 Resource Center

March 24, 2020

West Virginia Supreme Court Declares COVID-19 Judicial Emergency

The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia has declared a Judicial Emergency in West Virginia from March 23, 2020 until April 10, 2020. The Court has ordered that any filing deadlines that were to occur during this time period are extended until April 11, 2020. Given that April 11, 2020 is a Saturday, we interpret all deadlines to be extended...

March 24, 2020

WV Insurance Commissioner Declares COVID-19 Insurance Emergency

Due to the recently declared National Emergency, the West Virginia Insurance Commissioner issued a COVID-19 Insurance Emergency Declaration which suspends the normal time frames for administering...

March 20, 2020


The federal government has passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, (FFCRA), signed into law by President Trump on March 18, 2020. Not only does the bill provide for a number of...

March 17, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - Travel? Exposure? What Can You Ask Your Employees?

We are all aware of the on-going implications to employers as the Coronavirus, both confirmed cases and concerns from employers and employees alike, spreads rapidly across our region. Cipriani ...

March 17, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - FLSA Issues Related to Work at Home Opportunities

We are all aware of the on-going implications to employers as the Coronavirus, both confirmed cases and concerns from employers and employees alike, spreads rapidly across our region. Cipriani ...

March 13, 2020

President Trump's Plan for Dealing with Impact of Coronavirus...

On March 11, 2020, President Trump delivered an Oval Office address intended to confront the issues surrounding the Coronavirus. In his address, President Trump outlined a three-stage plan for...

March 13, 2020

COVID-19: New Jersey WARN Act Expanded to Include New Mandatory...

Closing shop or reducing your workforce? New changes in New Jersey now require mandatory severance pay. On January 21, 2020 the Governor of New Jersey signed Senate Bill 3170, which enlarges the...

March 11, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - How Employers Address Employee Need for Leaves of...

As noted several times in our prior articles published over the last week, the CDC recommends that businesses encourage employees with symptoms of acute respiratory illness to stay home until free...

March 09, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - Is it Work Related and are Employers Potentially...

The short answer, maybe. Each state has specific rules and regulations defining what is covered as an accidental injury and/or occupational disease under their workers’ compensation statutes....

March 06, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - Employers Have a "General Duty" to Act

OSHA governs health and safety regulations in the workplace. When a disease or virus has a significant impact on a global level, the World Health Organization will declare a pandemic. As an...

March 05, 2020

Coronavirus - A Recommended Employer Response

In recent weeks, we have been tasked with learning about and preparing an appropriate response for the Coronavirus –COVID-19. According to the CDC, Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that...
